Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mindful Eating

I have been reading various stuff to reduce weight, which I certainly am need of.

This is a new or a rather a very old technique. If I am able to enable this, I will definitely be on the road to reduction.

When I see now, I can see how eating, and eating more has become an un-conscious task for me. When I site to eat, it seems that my conscious mind just stops working. I just gobble & gobble up the food.

Calm down.

  • Take 10 deep breaths before eating, centre urself.
  • Take 1-2 mins to appreciate the food. See color, aroma, and texture.
  • Slowly take the first bite, and savor it fully. Like it's the last morsel u will ever have.
  • Notice every aspect of food- before-during-after.
  • Tune to body: Notice movement of muscles, limbs, fingers, lips, teeth and tongue.
  • Tune in to our level of hunger.
  • We're in touch with need for food and we know when to stop eating
  • Slow-ly
  • Service with Food: any function in the service of food. - Setting & clearing the table, washing dishes, putting away dishes, shopping for food and preparing the food. All done with attention and wakefulness.

I month, and your stomach will shrink and things will be much easier. U will automatically kill 300 KCL of additional intake, daily.

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