Friday, August 7, 2015

Structure of God, A Hypothesis

Existence and structure of God

What is god, and what is he made of. When was he born, when will he die? How big he is? What can he do? 

I think, their four I am. 

This comment on existence of self, talks about how we can determine if an object has a self.

As in humans we know, our consciousness is derived from the structure of our brains. The vast interconnection of neurons, which are wired together, and somehow, slowly over millennial due to pressures of evolution or "Unknown Field", evolved into specific structures. this structures  were very specialized, which carried specific functions for controlling various processes in the body. Finally we developed Hippocalmus which gave as power of self awareness.

So while we can argue that an Object can only have consciousness if it can/cannot think, I think is undeniable. Without underlying Physical structure, existence of self isn't possible. Be it a bioligical structure or neurons giving birth to self in humans, or existence of transistors giving birth to AI (possible in near future).

So physical structures are required for existence of self. Without it self cannot exist. As computer cannot work if the CPU is taken out, a human cannot exist after its body has died.

Interestingly, concept of soul defies this convention. A soul is supposed to be an amalgamation of energy, which dosent need any underlying physical structure to exist. It can exist in void, but it needs a physical machinery to express itself. Does that mean soul is like a "kernal code" which when inputted in specific hardware (eg Human) can give rise to consciousness. 

Or Soul itself has primitive/advanced consciousness/intelligence, and when inputted into a machine (i.e. Human body), it creates a new consciousness. This consciousness cannot know about the original "Kernal Code",  but nevertheless, when machine/body dies, it looks for a new Host. Its actions (Karma) may determine the choice and situation of the new Host. For eg, wicked actions make take it to lower hosts (like dog/cat/etc) or make give him birth in unfavorable circumstances (like in poverty, or be handicapped). Lot of religions subscribe to this theory where a persons actions in present life are judged by a universal arbiter (god), will lead to choice of Host in next life.

Christanity slightly changes this concept saying their is no rebirth/re-incarnation, but all good/bad actions will be judged by a universal arbiter (god) on Judgement Day (end of creation). Good/Bad actions will be rewarded/punished accordingly. So according to Christian view, soul exists with the dead body, awaiting judgement day. As dead body has no electrical/biological process to support the consciousness anymore, it must exist in some X dimension, outside the current dimension as scientist have been unable to detect any energy signatures in the dead body.

Or, according to observed phenomena, soul dosent exist? A body slowly gains consciousness as its brain develops. With birth its a blank slate and then based on environment and its genetics, and willpower, it develops its self. 
So self is nothing but increased interaction within the neural cells which organize and develop based on the stimulus from environment. Once the cells die (underlying Hardware goes bad), all electrical activity ceases, any existence of consciousness and self goes away with it. As self is based on physical structures of the neurons and electrical activity in them, manipulating with them can lead to changes to self. 

All current scientific observation leads us to the existence of last view.

But, I digress. 

Well, what could god be. Lets assume that God's body is universe. If we see the structure of Universe, its very similar to how neural structure may appear. As we know this neural structure gives birth of existence of self in humans, cant we not assume the structure of universe similarly gives birth to consciousness/self of God. 

Lets imagine that stars would act as neurons in this, as well as source of energy. All the stars are connected/organized via some dimensional link we have yet to discover/realize. Such vast field at interstellar ranges would give birth of a super consciousness which would be very different that our own self. As we know, our self is a product of our environment, think what the environment God's self would have developed in?
If their is only 1 god/conscious field in the universe, it would have no one to interact to. It may possible have developed/engineered life on planets like earth.

Or many super-consciousness could have developed within the universe. Maybe these are harmonious, may be they simply exist without much interaction. Its tough to imagine as they would have developed in a totally alien environment. We would like to put human perspective on the gods, give them human motivations, but that may be fallacy.